The motor head is equipped with a Brushless motor: the lack of carbons allows the use of
the machine even in explosive hazardous areas. The motor is protected by a series of filters
and it is turned on by an independent switch placed on a soundproofed and robust metal
motor head.
The motor head includes a vacuum gauge and tension power lights as standard.
The large surface star antistatic filter, located inside the filter chamber, is made of
polyester and provides high resistance against clogging and passage of fine dust.
It is possible to clean the filter using an integrated mechanical system: an external lever
shakes the filter vertically and enables to clean the filter thoroughly and safely, maintaining
constant suction performance and preventing any dispersion of dust in the environment.
A HEPA filter is included as standard (99,995% on 0,18 micron, class H) which holds the
finest dusts and guarantees the cleanliness of the leaving air.
The vacuumed material is placed inside an AISI304 stainless steel drop-down bin mounted
on wheels, which makes it possible to dispose easily and safely of the vacuumed material.